Setting trade limits for a user

As an Administrator, you can limit the size of each transaction that a user can book, and you can limit the total value of all transactions that a user can book in a day. You can also override the daily limit for the current day only.

Important: The user limits cannot exceed the client limits.

To set trade limits for a user

  1. In the toolbar, under Admin, click User Administration.
  2. Locate the user you want to edit.
    You can scroll down the list of users or you can enter all or part of their name or username in the search fields, and then click the Search icon search icon. For more information, see Searching for a user.
  3. On the left side of the user's name, click the Edit iconedit icon.
    Or choose Edit from the dropdown list.

    Dropdown showing Edit option
  4. Click the TRADE LIMITS tab.

    User Trade Limits
  5. Enter values to limit the size of the transactions that this user can book:
    • Per-trade Entry Limit—The maximum value of individual trades that the user can book. For example, if you assign a Per-transaction Entry Limit of $100,000 USD, the user cannot create a deal where the amount is greater than $100,000 USD.
    • Daily Trade Limit—The total value of all deals that can be processed by that user on a given day. For example, if you assign a Daily Deal Limit of $200,000 USD, the user can book deals for any amount as long as the accumulated total of all the deals booked in a single day does not exceed $200,000. Once the daily limit is reached, they cannot book any more deals until the next day when their Daily Trade Limit is reset.
    • Daily Trade Limit Override— An override that will take precedence over the user’s Daily Trade Limit for the current day only. The override is automatically removed at the end of the current day and the user’s original Daily Trade Limit is once again applied.
  6. Click SAVE.
    A confirmation message appears at the top of the screen to let you know that the user's trade limits were successfully saved.